Looking to learn more about the American Revolution? Join us for a virtual presentation! Dr. Jim Gibb will discuss specific events that contributed to the French & Indian War.
In this series of presentations, we'll uncover the stories of the American Revolution!
From January through May, we will explore the individual actions and events leading to the Continental Congress declaring independence from Great Britain. Living conditions in Colonial Maryland on the eve of the Seven Years War (French & Indian War) provides our starting point. Presentations will include some archaeological findings in Maryland and elsewhere, but most of our discussions will examine specific events and documents, including shots fired at Lexington and Concord, removal of French Canadians from Acadia, paintings of the Anglo-American assault on French Canada, and the Declaration.
The Seven Years War culminated a series of conflicts among the British, French, Dutch, and Spanish empires as each vied for control over New World colonies, the settlers and the raw materials they produced for European manufacturers. This presentation follows the progression of the war from its beginning with General Braddock’s failed assault on Fort Duquesne to the forced removal of French Acadians to Maryland and points south to the fall of Montreal. And it examines Benjamin Franklin’s Albany Plan of Union, foreshadowing the Continental Congresses.
This presentation will be held live over Zoom. It will also be recorded and uploaded to the St. Mary's County Library YouTube channel.
If you would like to attend this event live and/or watch the recording, please register with an email address to receive the Zoom link the day before the event. The YouTube link to the recording will be emailed to everyone who registers for this program.
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